sábado, 12 de setembro de 2015

The long goodbye

Carry On At Your Convenience, by Gerald Thomas, 1971

No matter what you think, or do, the wave always break

The apparent failure of this smart movie is a perfect metaphor of how powerful our narcissism and ideological blindness can affect our judgment for decades. Only now we begin to understand the break of a prosperous tidal wave.

Carry on at Your Convenience, released [by Gerald Thomas] in 1971, is the 22nd in the series of Carry On films to be made, and was the first box office failure of the series. This failure has been attributed to the film's attempt at exploring the political themes of the trade union movement, crucially portraying the union activists as idle, pedantic buffoons which, apparently, alienated the traditional working-class audience of the series. The film, known as Carry On Round the Bend outside the United Kingdom, did not return full production costs until 1976 after several international and television sales [in Wikipedia].

Full movie
During the late 1970's, the Keynesian system destroyed itself. This destruction was not just the work of policymakers but of all players in the Keynesian game: the workers, the bureaucrats, the technocrats, the politicians — Paul Mason, Postcapitalism (2015).

Who's fault?

3-year-old Aylan Kurdi’s lifeless little body on a Turkish beach (infographic depiction)

Use your he{art}

Are you still going to show {sell} your art @ Saudi Arabia, or @ the Emirates?

Warmongers in government and the media are perversely but predictably trying to conscript Aylan’s corpse into their march to escalation. They are contending that Aylan died because the West has not intervened against Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, and that it must do so now to spare other children the same fate.

Um, no, Aylan’s family were Kurdish refugees from Kobani who had to flee that city when it was besieged, not by Assad, but by Assad’s enemy: ISIS.

And ISIS is running rampant in that part of Syria only because the US-led West and its regional allies have given them cover by supporting and arming the jihadist-dominated uprising against Assad.

Read This Before the Media Uses a Drowned Refugee Boy to Start Another War Antimedia. Dan Sanchez, September 8, 2015
More @ Reuters

O vídeo que explica TUDO sobre esta crise de "refugiados". PARTILHEM é preciso que a verdade chegue a todos aqueles que ainda estão a comer tudo que a comunicação social debita dia após dia!#EstadoIslamico #Portugal
Posted by Não Queremos o Estado Islâmico em Portugal on Quarta-feira, 9 de Setembro de 2015