Why does Portuguese art always suffers a decade delay?
First Symposium Co-habitation and Dialog between the arts and the sciences
21st July 2007 - Programme
9.30 Opening - Alexandre Quintanilha
Here, a number of experiences about the relations between institutions and the exhibition of artworks and projects with a very strong scientific and technologic content in a contemporary art context will be discussed and presented. The open debate aims to discuss strategies to promote the border between these areas of our culture and knowledge, specially at the level of the improved commitment from the institutional partners.
10.00 Belina Quirke (Dublin - Ireland)
10.30 Jurij Krpan (Liubliana - Slovenia)
11.00 coffee breaks
11.30 Alberto Figuero e Elvira Dyangani (Sevilla – Spain)
12.00 António Franco (Badajoz – Spain)
12.30 Round Table
Moderador: Marta de Menezes (Ectopia)
Paulo Cunha e Silva (Independent Curator);
Alexandre Quintanilha (IBMC);
António Cerveira Pinto (Independent Curator *);
Derek Hales (Huddersfield-UK);
* António Cerveira Pinto is an artist, writer and concept designer who has been exploring new creative strategies since the 70s. He was part of the direction of the National Gallery of Modern Art, in Portugal (1979-81), participated in the Paris Biennial in 82, in 83 he organized a huge exhibition in Lisbon called After Modernism, participated in the exhibition Processos, cultura y nuevas tecnologias at the museum Reina Sofia in Madrid, in 94 formed a school for advanced art practices named Aula do Risco, ran the Quadrum Gallery and integrated some art & technology projects at EXPO98.
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